

……….lightwait is artist in resonance for elegant star at various sites throughout the omniverse

has played in the margins avoiding the mainstream

following a five year sabbatical and an apprenticeship in earth wizardry on the western isles of scotland,
 brett lightwait enjoyed a nomadic existence embodying the essence of hexagram 56 ~ “traveling stranger”

he now lives on the north norfolk coast, where he keeps the dreamspell 13 moon calendar, an hexagonal hut on an allotment and busy in so many ways.
his interests lie in the liminal, the numinous, and the theory & practice of the punchline

he claims to be relaxed about being labelled a happy anarcho pagan quaker


……elegant star

originating in the mayan TZOLKIN calendar and incorporated in the new mayan dreamspell, LAMAT is “the star”, the eighth solar glyph which marks the beginning of the higher octaves of galactic energies

within the lexicography of the synchronic order the STAR embodies the qualities of……….

b e a u t y, a r t and e l e g a n c e

the yellow star is the 20th and final wavespell (a period of 13 kin/days) bringing the tzolkin (galactic spin) to its conclusion

it has particular resonance with brett lightwait as his galactic signature nestes within the final 13 kin


…….galactic art projects

the concept of galactic art projects began as a response to the question……….. what should be included in the curriculum for noospheric education?

after consideration of how we could discern and what might constitute such a programme i was reminded of my own work which over many years has reflected an overwhelming interest in matters that lie beyond the confines of our planet home

it is intended that this website will operate as a resource for pan-galactic art projects, and an exemplar of where our evolutionary journey is taking us.